RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020
Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020

RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020
1. When the cervix dilatation is slower than expectation despite a strong regular contraction is termed ……………. Dystocia.
Select one:
a. Cervical.
b. Pelvic.
c. Shoulder.
2. As a midwife it is important to prioritse your client’s needs. Arrange the following in an order of priority in a mother’s life:
I.Learn how to hold and cuddle an infant
II.Watch baby bath demonstration by the midwife
III.Sleep and rest with no disturbance for a while
IV.Interact with infant to facilitate bonding
Select one:
a. I, II and IV.
b. I, II, III and IV.
c. II, III and IV.
3. The gestational age between 39 weeks through 40 weeks is termed:
Select one:
a. Late term.
b. Full term.
c. Early term.
4. Madam Zara has come to the preconception clinic and activities done in the clinic include the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. Screening of genetic condition of both parents.
b. Counseling on avoidance on environmental teratogens.
c. Counseling on professional standards of the parent.
5. As a midwife at the Antenatal clinic, how would you assess fetal well being?
Select one:
a. Fetal movement that do not follow a regular pattern.
b. Increasing uterine size compatible with gestational age.
c. Fetal heart rate that is irregular with a rate of 90 and 140 beats per minute.
6. Which of the following symptoms is the MOST common sign associated with uterine rupture?
Select one:
A. Sub normal uterine pain.
B. Increased frequency of uterine contractions.
C. Excessive vaginal bleeding.
7. Women express a high desire for the father of the baby to be involved in labour because…
Select one:
a. He has to observe labour and delivery.
b. He is responsible and father of the baby.
c. He acts as a companion and gives both emotional and moral support.
8. A diabetic mother is ideally to be seen by a combined team which includes a physician and an obstetrician with interest in diabetes, a specialist midwife and a dietitian. The diabetic pregnant woman is to attend clinic fortnightly until……weeks.
Select one:
A. 28.
B. 26.
C. 24.
9. Which of the following circumstances is most likely to cause uterine atony and lead to post partum haemorrhage?
Select one:
A. Hypertension.
B. Cervical and vaginal tear.
C. Urine retention.
10. Madam Kuku, G1P0 is 41 weeks 4 days pregnant but has not gone into spontaneous labour. Which of the following interventions will be carried out to initiate uterine contractions?
Select one:
A. Induction of labour.
B. Augmentation of labour.
C. Amniocentesis.
11. Occult cord prolapse is best described as:
Select one:
A. Cord lying alongside the presenting part and the fetal membranes are still intact.
B. Cord lying alongside the presenting part but not in front of the membranes when ruptured.
C. Cord lying in front of the presenting part, when membranes are still intact.
12. Prior to induction of labour the following parameters are assessed EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Effacement of the cervix.
B. Descent of the fetal head.
C. Uterine contractions.
13. In performing abdominal palpation the midwife’s hands should be clean and warm. Cold hands would:
Select one:
A. Make mother sleep and become uncooperative.
B. Cause the women to have rigors and relaxed muscles.
C. Induce contraction of the abdominal and uterine muscles.
14. In teaching mothers on how to prevent and promote good healthy habits. The midwife includes the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Restricted protein intake.
B. Intake of liberal fluids.
C. Good hand washing.
15. Midwife Ansah prepares to receive a baby for spontaneous vaginal delivery. The following measures will be considered during the preparation EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Resuscitation tray and area is made ready for the delivery.
B. The delivery environment is prepared adequately.
C. A clean cot should be prepared to receive the baby.
RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020

RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020
16. As a midwife in charge of the gynaecological ward, your client who is on magnesium sulphate treatment started jerking the knee, had low urine output with respiration rate less than 16cycles per minute. The immediate action would be to.
Select one:
a. Stop magnesium sulphate.
b. Decrease magnesium sulphate.
c. Increase magnesium sulphate.
17. A gravid female at 22 weeks gestation reported to your labor ward with complaints of swelling of the face, feet and hands. Which of the following set of conditions in addition to the swelling would qualify to diagnose her as preeclampsia with severe features?
Select one:
a. Blood pressure of 130/80 and thrombocytopenia.
b. Blood pressure of 130/80, thrombocytopenia and protein.
c. Blood pressure of 140/90 on two separate occasions and Severe headache.
18. As a midwife in charge of your maternity suite, Maame Betty G6P5AA reported with 36 weeks of gestation to your facility. She complained of severe abdominal pain. She resisted your effort to palpate her abdomen, girded the abdomen. Upon the touch of the abdomen it was woody, hard and very painful. Which condition comes to mind?
Select one:
a. Abruptio placenta.
b. Ruptured uterus.
c. Placenta Pravia.
19. Cardiovascular system changes to the pregravid state are unexpected to occur by the 4th week post partum. The haematocrit level in a normal vaginal delivery is expected to …………
Select one:
A. Be extremely low.
B. Be slightly low.
C. Remain normal.
20. During pregnancy physiological changes occur in the reproductive system. Which of the following weeks in pregnancy does the uterus becomes spherical in shape.
Select one:
A. 20.
B. 12.
C. 16.
21. A midwife is assessing a client who had just given birth per vaginum. As part of the assessment, fundal height should be measured. Which of the following clients need further evaluation?
Select one:
a. Client who gave birth 24hours ago and the fundus is 1cm below the umbilicus.
b. Client who gave birth one hour ago and the fundus is at the level of the umbilicus.
c. A client who gave birth 10 days ago and the fundus is not palpable.
22. A Pregnant woman who has suffered severe hyperemesis gravidarium is likely to suffer which of the following complications?
Select one:
A. Heart attack.
B. Encephalopathy.
C. Thrombocytopaenia.
23. Madam Kukuwa Afful, 30 year old G4P3 with a history of three cesarean sections and a known placenta previa. There is strong suspicion for placenta accreta on ultrasound, without evidence of invasion through the serosa or into adjacent organs. She asks about when she will be delivered. Which of the following will be your the best answer?
Select one:
a. 38 weeks without amniocentesis prior.
b. 34 weeks without amniocentesis prior.
c. 34 weeks with amniocentesis prior.
24. Aunty Aba is eight weeks pregnant according to the ultrasound scan. Which of the following is the importance of having an ultrasound done during the first trimester?
I. Assessment of gestational age.
II. Determine fetal anomalies.
III. Determine location of the placenta.
IV. Diagnose hydatidiform mole.
Select one:
A. I, II and IV.
B. I, II and III.
C. II, III and IV.
25. During labour, the three basic principles of care that should be applied immediately on observation of excessive bleeding are…
I. Call for help.
II. Stop the bleeding.
III. Resuscitate the mother.
IV. Give sips of water for energy.
Select one:
a. I, II and IV.
b. I, II and III.
c. II, III and IV.
26. Fetal distress may be the result of…
Select one:
a. Diminished intake of water.
b. Diminished placental perfusion.
c. Abnormally short cord.
27. Madam Aku Dogo is admitted to the clinic with the history of 20weeks gestation with backache, slightly painless vaginal bleeding with cervical os closed. Which of the following types of abortion is she experiencing?
Select one:
a. Inevitable.
b. Complete.
c. Threatened.
28. Madam Opoku, G2P1A reports to the labour triage on account of severe lower abdominal pain. The midwife will perform initial vaginal examination for the following reasons EXCEPT…
Select one:
a. Determine extent of cervical dilatation.
b. Confirm onset of labour.
c. Exclude cord prolapse.
29. At a post natal exercise classes what comment would make you believe the mother is enjoying the class?
Select one:
A. I’m steadily getting my figure back, the exercises are helping.
B. It’s tedious and it’s not helping.
C. Mrs. Mensah’s tummy is flattening whiles mine is the same.
30. During the performance of abdominal examination at the antenatal clinic certain techniques are used to examine the client. Which of the following technique is not used at the antenatal clinic.
Select one:
a. Palpitation.
b. Percussion.
c. Auscultation.
31. A 19-year-old G1 at 33 weeks of gestation reported at your facility with severe headache for the past 3 days. She has been taking paracetamol tablets without relief. She also complains of spots in her vision and worsening edema of her extremities. Her blood pressure is 173/112 mmHg, pulse is 106 bpm, respiratory rate is 28 cpm. On examination, notable findings include 3+ pitting edema. You suspect pre-eclampsia. For which of the following findings would you prioritize in your management?
Select one:
a. Edema of the extremities.
b. Severe-range blood pressures.
c. Persistent neurological symptoms.
32. A 28-year-old G1P0 woman at 32 weeks gestation comes to the facility complaining of a 3-hour history of decreased fetal movement. She reports only feeling five fetal movements since waking up in the morning and notes that she can usually feel the fetus moving “all the time” in the morning. Her fetal heart rate ranges from 120-150 bpm with a baseline rate of 130 bpm. Four times during the 20-minute test, the fetal heart rate increases from 130 to 150 bpm and remains elevated for one minute. There is no evidence of any heart rate decelerations. Which of the following is the next best step in the management of this patient?
Select one:
A. Repeat non-stress test in 30 minutes.
B. Reassurance and continued patient monitoring of fetal movement.
C. Fetal scalp sampling for blood pH assessment.
33. The midwife is assessing lochia on a post partum client on day one. She noted that the lochia is red and has a foul smelling odour. This finding indicates…………
Select one:
a. The presence of infection.
b. The need for increasing ambulation.
c. The need for increasing oral fluids.
34. All the following factors contribute to prolapsed umbilical cord EXCEPT… …………
I. Long cord.
II. Transverse lie.
III. Placenta abruption.
Select one:
a. I, II and III.
b. III only.
c. I and III.
35. As a midwife in charge of your maternity suite, Maame Akowuah G6P5AA reported with 36 weeks of gestation to your facility. She complained of severe abdominal pain. She resisted your effort to palpate her abdomen, girded the abdomen. Upon the touch of the abdomen it was woody, hard and very painful. In the management of this condition, which two investigations would you consider?
Select one:
a. Electrocardiograph and x-ray.
b. Cardiotocography and ultrasound.
c. Electro encaphalogram and Resonance.
36. Carcinoma of the cervix is common among women in their reproductive age. Which of the following investigations would you recommend for your clients?
Select one:
A. Cone biopsy.
B. Pylerogram.
C. Cardiotocography.
37. Which of the following is true regarding immersion in water during labor and delivery?
Select one:
a. It decreases pain during the second stage of labor.
b. There are large studies confirming its safety in uncomplicated pregnancies.
c. It is considered experimental.
38. A pregnant client on your maternity suit started fitting with eclampsia whilst on her bed. As the midwife on duty what immediate action would you take before treatment?
Select one:
A. Set intravenous line.
B. Administer IV fluids.
C. Remove client from source of danger.
39. During vaginal examination of a labouring client, the midwife observes the perineum before vaginal examination for which of the following.
I. Varicose veins.
II. Ruptured of membranes.
III. Previous scars and tears.
IV. Bleeding.
Select one:
A. I, II and III.
B. I, III and IV.
C. II, III and IV.
40. Miss Ama Adamu G1PO comes to the antenatal clinic with history of vomiting early in the morning immediately after getting up from bed. Which of the following is responsible for the disorder?
Select one:
a. Underlying infection.
b. Psychological issues.
c. High levels of HCG.
RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020

RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020
41. The following factors affect a labouring woman’s emotional and psychological care EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Cultural expectations.
B. Presence of a birth companion.
C. Previous birth experience.
42. Madam Sekyiwaa Saleed, 28 year old G4P4 delivered a 4.15kg baby after prolonged labour. The delivery was complicated which required the use of McRoberts maneuver. She complained of pain in the suprapubic region after administration of pain medication. Which of the following is most likely to cause agonizing pain of the pelvis?
Select one:
A. Infant greater than 4.5Kg.
B. Multiparity.
C. Shoulder dystocia.
43. Which of the following is an indication for vaginal examination in labour?
Select one:
A. Assess fetal wellbeing.
B. Confirm axis of the fetus.
C. Detect any Frank bleeding.
44. During postpartum management of a diabetic woman, who is on insulin, which of the following must be done without delay?
Select one:
a. Increase intravenous insulin.
b. Decrease intravenous insulin.
c. Stop intravenous insulin.
45. At the Obstetrician consulting room, Madam Gyaba who reported with bleeding per vagina at 8weeks amenorrhoea was told her pregnancy was intact but had only proliferation of columnar epithelial cells at the cervix. Madam Gyaba may be suffering from which of the under stated conditions.
Select one:
a. Cervical Polyps.
b. Cervical ectropion.
c. Cervical carcinoma.
46. In midwifery practice, a labour case where there is rapid intense contractions that causes labour to end in less then 3 hours is termed ……………….. Labour.
Select one:
a. Hypertonic.
b. Augmented.
c. Precipitate.
47. An 18 year old sexually active patient reports that she is 6 days late for her period. She has had regular menstrual cycles for the past 3 years. She used a home pregnancy test that returned positive. She does not want to keep the pregnancy and wishes to discuss her options. Her medical history is only significant for asthma. Which of the following statements regarding medical abortion is not true?
Select one:
a. Medical abortion is most effective when used prior to 63 days of gestation.
b. The use of misoprostol is contraindicated in this patient due to her history of asthma.
c. The most common method of medical abortion is a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol.
48. A 26 year old G3P2 who is 40 weeks pregnant reported to your labor ward with spontaneous rupture of membrane since 3 hours with irregular contractions with 4cm cervical dilation. She delivered her previous two children spontaneously. This pregnancy has been uncomplicated so far, what would be your best mode of delivery?
Select one:
a. Caesarean Section.
b. Induction of labour.
c. Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery.
49. Routine examination done at the antenatal clinic include all the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. Stool examination.
b. Midstream urine.
c. HIV Screening.
50. A junior midwife was reading about causes of hypertension and came across Phaechromocytoma. In your explanation you would indicate Phaechromocytoma is a tumour of the ………………
Select one:
A. Pituitory gland.
B. Adrenal gland.
C. Thyroid gland
51. A midwife timing contractions during first stage of labour places her hand at the fundus of client’s abdomen. Which of the following will indicate her understanding of the procedure?
Select one:
a. Contractions fade off from the fundus.
b. Uterine contractions last longer at the fundus.
c. Uterine contractions radiate through the cornua.
52. The presence of meconium stained amniotic fluid alerts the midwife to observe fetal status more closely. After birth, the new born may be…
Select one:
a. At risk for alteration in respiratory patterns.
b. At risk for high intracranial hemorrhage.
c. At risk for developing cephal haematoma.
53. Which of the following is NOT a complication of the third stage of labour?
Select one:
a. Retained placenta.
b. Ruptured of the uterus.
c. Inversion of the uterus
54. In choosing the type of sedative to administer during labour, the most important factor to be considered by the midwife is ………….
Select one:
A. Availability of drug.
B. Effectiveness of drug.
C. Cervical dilatation.
55. Management of postpartum endometritis is MOST effective if it includes which of the following?
Select one:
a. Ampicillin as monotherapy.
b. Broad spectrum antibiotics.
c. Culture of affected area.
56. Fatima Nunah, G1P1 who is 4 days postpartum after a vaginal delivery which was complicated by prolonged second stage of labor lasting 4 hours and prolonged rapture of membrane for more than 24 hours. She did not exhibit any evidence of infection at the time of delivery. She comes to the facility complaining of low grade fever, chills, general malaise and uterine fundal tenderness. Her vitals are stable. She is breast feeding, which of the following is the most appropriate next step in management?
Select one:
a. Cervical culture.
b. Stop breastfeeding and start oral antibiotics.
c. Continue breastfeeding and start oral antibiotics.
57. An 18year old primipara complains of excessive micturition which is disturbing her sleep at night. At what weeks in pregnancy is this sign noticed?
Select one:
A. 4-14.
B. 6-12.
C. 16-20.
58. A woman in labour had to be reviewed. The midwife explains to the student that the leading cause of the woman’s hypotonic contractions is as a result of:
Select one:
a. Fetus occipito posterior position.
b. Maternal pelvis.
c. Fetal Macrosomia.
59. During abdominal palpation cephalic presentation is usually realised by a hard mass at the ………….. pole of the woman’s abdomen.
Select one:
A. Fundal.
B. Pelvic.
C. Anterior.
60. A Mother came to your clinic complaining of labour pains which started an hour ago. During your history taking, she told you she just started experiencing the labour pains and couldn’t bear it. Before you could finish taking the history she complained of bearing down sensation. You quickly positioned her to confirm by vaginal examination but she pushed the head out. What type of labour is this?
Select one:
a. Precipitate.
b. Prolonged.
c. Spontaneous.
61. According to the WHO organization, the following constitute a positive birth experience EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Pain relief strategies.
B. Respect and dignity.
C. I.V fluid of choice.
62. The first stage of labour ends with………………………
Select one:
A. Complete delivery of the baby and examination of the new born.
B. Complete expulsion of the baby and exploration of the vagina.
C. Complete dilatation of the cervix.
63. In educating mothers on some of the minor disorders of pregnancy, what would you tell them of some of the relaxing effects of pregnancy hormones?
Select one:
a. Constipation.
b. Fainting attacks.
c. Anorexia.
64. Breast engorgement occurs as a result of increased:
I. Blood supply
II. Oestrogen and progesterone
III. Intravenous pressure
IV. Milk production
Select one:
a. II and III.
b. I and II.
c. I and IV.
65. Trial of labour will be terminated if
I. Head is still high after 6 hours.
II. Presentation changes from vertex to face.
III.There is excessive molding.
IV.Uterine contractions are 3 in 10 lasting 40seconds.
Select one:
A. II, III and IV.
B. I, II and III.
C. I, II and IV.
66. Your patient is a 25 year old G3P2 with an intrauterine fetal death at 24 weeks gestation. Her past medical history is significant for rheumatoid arthritis. Her obstetric history is significant for one full term spontaneous vaginal delivery, followed by a cesarean section at term for non-reassuring fetal heart tones. Her cervix is closed, thick, and high. What is the best management for this patient?
Select one:
a. Induction of labor with oxytocin.
b. Repeat cesarean with classical hysterotomy.
c. Induction of labour with prostaglandin.
67. A 7 day post natal woman on observation had uterine level below the umbilicus with lochia coloured pink. Midwife Etonam is expected to diagnose and manage this client. The midwife best action would be:
I. Check the vital signs
II. Request for laboratory investigations to rule out sepsis
III. Ask the woman to come back if she starts bleeding more
IV. Encourage ambulation
Select one:
A. I, II and IV.
B. I, III and IV.
C. II, III and IV.
68. Which of the following presentations is likely to occur when there is a short internal rotation of the fetal head in an occipito-posterior position (OPP)?
Select one:
A. Face presentation.
B. Face to pubis presentation.
C. Brow presentation
69. Aneamia is one of the common problems of pregnant women. If you are giving health talk to your clients at antenatal clinic, which type of anaemia would you mention as the commonest in pregnancy women that can it be prevented?
Select one:
A. Folic acid.
B. Physiological.
C. Iron deficiency.
70. The following are all indications for manual vacuum aspiration EXCEPT:
Select one:
a. Retained product from induced abortion.
b. Endometrial biopsy.
c. Second trimester abortions.
RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020

RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020
71. After artificial rupture of membranes, the midwife observe client is losing painless dark red blood from the genital tract. The likely diagnosis is…
Select one:
a. Placenta praevia.
b. Placenta abruption.
c. Vasa praevia.
72. As a midwife in the lying – in ward your immediate action management of an established retained urine is to:
Select one:
A. Wait for the woman to have the urge and serve bedpan.
B. Allow the woman to void on her own.
C. Catherise after efforts to urinate fail.
73. The partograph is a chart on which salient features of labour are entered. The aim of monitoring fetal wellbeing on the partograph includes the following EXCEPT…
Select one:
a. Maintain fetal wellbeing.
b. Alleviate pain and anxiety.
c. Detect fetal hypoxia.
74. In educating women at the antenatal clinic, the midwife told them positive signs of pregnancy which included:
I.Evidence of quickening around the 16th week
II.Fetal parts palpable by examiner
III.Presence of fetal heart sounds using the fetoscope
IV.Woman feels and sees fetal movement
Select one:
a. I, II and III.
b. II, III and IV.
c. I, II and IV.
75. Adjoa Azu lost her baby perinatally. Which of the following would you recommend as part of breast care?
I. Apply ice to the breast 15- 20mins hourly
II. Not stimulating by squeezing or expressing it.
III. Wearing brassiere 24hours daily.
IV. Apply warm compress to breast regularly
Select one:
A. II, III and IV.
B. I, III and IV.
C. I, II and III.
76. A mother of twin gestation comes to deliver at your facility. The first twin was delivered and the second one delayed. As the midwife in charge, what time limit should the second twin be delivered by caesarian section?
Select one:
A. 45 minutes.
B. 40 minutes.
C. 50 minutes.
77. Which of the following statements best describes character of amniotic fluid?
Select one:
a. Watery consistency and lacks a strong odor.
b. Amnionitis and placentitis.
c. Originating from maternal blood stream and fetal lungs.
78. All the under listed are contraindications of induction of labour EXCEPT…
Select one:
a. Cephalopelvic disproportion.
b. Placenta praevia.
c. Intrauterine death.
79. A client of yours was treated for molar pregnancy. She asked how long she must wait before becoming pregnant again. The most appropriate answer would be….. year(s).
Select one:
A. 3.
B. 4.
C. 1.
80. Post-partum hemorrhage is likely to occur in clients with the following conditions.
I.Abuptio placenta.
II.Diabetes mellitus.
III.Intrauterine fetal death.
IV.Severe pre-eclampsia
Select one:
a. I, III and IV.
b. I, II and IV.
c. I, II and III.
81. The Homan’s sign is one of the post partum assessment aimed at diagnosing:
Select one:
a. Intrauterine pressure.
b. Engorged breast.
c. Deep vein thrombosis.
82. Madam Constance Aloko, 31 year old G1 at 41 weeks gestation reports for induction of labor. She has a singleton pregnancy with the vertex presenting. You perform a vaginal examination in order to predict the success of induction of labor. Which of the following is NOT significant in the prediction of vaginal delivery?
Select one:
A. Dilatation of the cervix.
B. Station of the presenting part.
C. Consistency of the cervix.
83. Pain management in labour is necessary to establish active co-operation of the labouring woman. Which of the following complications is associated with epidural analysis?
Select one:
a. Loss of bladder sensation.
b. Drowsiness and sedation.
c. Nausea and vomiting.
84. A 25 year old G4P1+2 at 11 weeks gestation presents for her initial prenatal visit. Her past obstetrical history is significant for two early first trimester terminations. It is also significant for a subsequent spontaneous vaginal delivery at 32 weeks two years ago. Her greatest risk factor is which of the following?
Select one:
a. History of abnormal pap’s Smear.
b. History of long term FP procedure.
c. Prior preterm birth.
85. A 26-year-old G3P2 woman at 10 weeks gestation comes to the office for her first prenatal visit. She has been experiencing some nausea and vomiting that is worse in the morning but has otherwise been feeling well. Her past medical history is significant for type 2 diabetes treated with metformin and nifedipine for hypertension. She admits to smoking two packs of cigarettes per day. The patient should be counseled that her current lifestyle increases the risk of which of the following with her current pregnancy?
Select one:
a. Trisomy 21.
b. Fetal growth restriction.
c. Post-term delivery.
86. A 7 day post natal woman on observation had uterine level below the umbilicus with lochia coloured pink. Midwife Henaku is expected to diagnose and manage this client. The midwife’s expectation of the uterine level should be:
Select one:
A. 6 cm below the umbilicus and half way through the abdomen.
B. 8 cm below umbilicus or at the symphysis pubis.
C. 5 cm below the umbilicus.
87. In the second stage of labour, maternal effort to push is influenced by which of the following factors?
Select one:
a. Secondary powers.
b. Primary powers.
c. Bony passage.
88. A sickle cell client on admission got into labour at 38weeks gestation. The two most important things to do for her to prevent crises may be;
Select one:
a. Adequate re-hydration and pain relief.
b. Diversional therapy and antibiotics.
c. Food and adequate supervision.
89. During restitution after delivery of the fetal head, there is extended rotation of the shoulders. This allows the fetal shoulders to lie in the …
Select one:
a. Anterior posterior diameter.
b. Lateral diameter.
c. Transverse diameter.
90. Angelina Sule, a 20 year old woman calls you to ask what she should do after having unprotected intercourse 4 days ago. Her last period was about 11 days ago and she is worried she might get pregnant. You tell her the most effective recommended emergency contraception would be:
Select one:
A. Oral mifepristone.
B. Levonorgestrol IUCD.
C. Copper IUCD.
91. You are preparing a client for the delivery of a term female infant. She has read the benefits of delayed cord clamping and has requested it to be done at her delivery. Which of the following is not a benefit of delayed cord clamping?
Select one:
A. Volume expansion that promotes pulmonary capillary perfusion.
B. A bolus of oxygenated blood during the first breaths.
C. Decreased risk of hyperbilirubinemia
92. When a woman complains of micturition during early pregnancy, this may be as a result of:
Select one:
A. Frequent water intake.
B. Pressure on the Kidneys.
C. Pressure on the bladder.
93. Madam Yaa Kporti, 25 years old has just undergone gastric bypass surgery and presents to your clinic requesting contraception. Medical history is negative for hypertension and headache, and notable only for acne and irregular vaginal bleeding secondary to known uterine fibroids. She is mutually monogamous with one male partner. The BEST contraceptive method for this patient is:
Select one:
a. Combination oral contraceptive pill.
b. Jadelle Implant contraceptive.
c. Progestin-only contraceptive pill.
94. You are discussing inducing labor in a woman with controlled mild chronic hypertension at 39 weeks. She states that she read online that if the induction fails, she will end up needing a cesarean section and the risk of complications is higher after a prolonged labor than if she had just planned a cesarean section. She asks you to inform the Doctor to schedule an elective cesarean instead. The most appropriate next step is:
Select one:
a. Counsel the patient on the risks and benefits of vaginal delivery as well as cesarean section.
b. Schedule an elective cesarean section at 39 weeks as requested.
c. Tell her that her insurance will not cover a cesarean in the absence of a clear clinical indication.
95. Madam Amoah, G3P2AA reported to the labour triage with complains of frequent vomiting, anorexia, profuse sweating, lower abdominal pain and waist pains. On examination, client is seen to have term gestation. Vagina examination reveals cervical dilatation of 6cm with a descent of 3/5th at 11:15am. Which of the following nursing diagnosis will be considered appropriate for madam Amoah?
Select one:
a. Impaired mobility.
b. Impaired skin integrity.
c. Potential fluid deficit.
96. Amniotic fluid that is port-wine in color may indicate………………………
Select one:
A. Fetal hypoxia.
B. Infection.
C. Placenta abruption.
97. The midwife seeks to take history from a client who has reported in labour. Which of the following history is of relevance to the onset of woman’s labour?
I. Parity and age.
II. Onset of labour.
III. Ruptured of membranes.
IV. Most recent food intake
Select one:
A. II, III and IV.
B. I, II and III.
C. I, II and IV.
98. At the ANC, Madam Jossie a 29 year old G4P2AA reported with 12 weeks gestation. Upon examination by the midwife, the abdomen was larger than the gestational age and on palpation the abdomen felt “doughy” the midwife would immediately suspect which condition?
Select one:
A. Ovarian pregnancy.
B. Molar pregnancy.
C. Ectopic pregnancy.
99. During the management of second stage of labour, the midwife informs client to stop pushing and gently pant to minimize active pushing. The aim of this management includes the following EXCEPT:
Select one:
A. Prevent rapid expulsion of fetal head.
B. Allow for restitution of fetal head.
C. Prevent maternal trauma.
100. Mary-Ann, a 29 year old mulitipara of 2 during labour was given Pethidine 25mg and Promethazine 25mg when she was 8 cm dilated to help ease the pain. What effect would this medication have on her baby?
Select one:
A. Respiratory distress.
B. Physiological jaundice.
C. Crying excessively.
RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020

RM PII-NMC Midwifery Past Questions And Answers March 2020

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