CAGD Begins CAP 30 Pensioners National Identification Card/ Biometric Data Verification Exercise For Government Employees-CHECK OUT
CAGD Begins CAP 30 Pensioners National Identification Card/ Biometric Data Verification Exercise For Government Employees-CHECK OUT
The CAP 30 PENSIONERS NATIONAL DENTIFICATION CARD/ BIOMETRIC DATA VERIFICATION EXERCISE is now being carried out by the Government of Ghana, which is operating through the Controller and Accountant-General’s Department.
This, according to the administration of the Controller and Accountant General’s Department, is being done to connect up the NIA numbers with the pension database and also clean up the database in order to secure payment of benefits to valid retirees.
NIA stands for National Identification Number, and the pension database contains information about pensioners. CAGD Begins CAP 30 Pensioners National Identification Card/ Biometric Data Verification Exercise For Government Employees-CHECK OUT
The CAGD requires all pensioners to personally provide the following documents at one of the approved verification centres. This is to ensure that the verification process goes smoothly and successfully.
1. A copy of both the front and back of your Ghana Card
2. Guidance on Pensions
3. Retirement Inn Pension 1.
Those individuals who do not have the Pension Advice and Pension Form 1 document can alternatively provide a copy of the front and back of their Pension ID Card.
Verification Centres
The activities necessary for verification will be carried out at the following locations:
1. The Annexe of the CAGD Head Office, Room 103
2. CAGD Regional Offices
3. Several offices and meeting places of different pensions associations
4. The budgets of the metropolitan, municipal, and district assemblies (collectively referred to as MMDA).
Time allotted And Purpose of Verification Exercise
The process of verification will take place over the course of two (2) months, beginning on July 3rd and concluding on the 31st of August 2023 respectively. CAGD Begins CAP 30 Pensioners National Identification Card/ Biometric Data Verification Exercise For Government Employees-CHECK OUT
The Controller and Accountant General’s Department strongly recommends that all retirees who are eligible do everything in their power to meet the deadline in order to prevent any disruptions in the flow of their pension benefits. CAGD Begins CAP 30 Pensioners National Identification Card/ Biometric Data Verification Exercise For Government Employees-CHECK OUT
In addition, Ghanaian CAP 30 pensioners who are currently living outside of the country are obliged to take part in the verification process. They are obliged to provide copies of the appropriate documents to the various Foreign Missions in their respective countries.
Those who do not yet own a Ghana Card are required to continue to present the other required documents to the Missions, together with their Life Certificates that have been fully completed, as they work towards obtaining a Ghana Card.
If you have any questions about the CAP 30 Pension Verification Exercise, please get in touch with the CAGD Regional office that is most convenient for you, the finance offices of any MMDAs, or call.
0244477144, 0244183335, 0262919282
CAGD Begins CAP 30 Pensioners National Identification Card/ Biometric Data Verification Exercise For Government Employees-CHECK OUT
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